Today was one such morning when the coolness of the air mixed with excitement of the first day of school combined to make me realize that fall will soon be aproaching. I'm sure many mom's were in the same position this morning as they sent their "little" boys and girls off for the first day and realized, 'God, I can't believe he/she is a second grader (or whatever grade they're in)'. Solomon's first day of the second grade began like any ordinary day of school, with me restling him out of bed as he complained that he was just 'too tired'. As I reminded him that this was the first day of school and he should be excited to see all his friends again, he half grunted and then let me know in a very grown up voice that he was not wearing what I picked out for him. Ah the joys of having your kids grow up. After breakfast at Biscuitville, I did manage to get him to cheer up and express that he was excited to start the second grade. Here's the evidence and the one picture I managed to take of him on his first day of the second grade (single tear...)
In other events, I had my first OB visit with my nurse midwife today. I am very excited about delivering with a midwife vs a MD because since going through nursing school, I now realize and appreciate the level of care a midwife can deliver. I was absolutely thrilled to meet her and actually like the woman! She spent over 45 minutes talking with me about my past pregnancies and what I expect from this one. She then examined me and assured me that everything looked great!
I have one week until I am out of the dreaded first trimester and heading full throttle into the greater portion of this pregnancy. So far this pregnancy has been pretty different than the other two, and not in a good way. I don't remember being quite so tired, nauseated, constipated (sorry for the TMI but it's ture), and well, BIG. I've attached a picture of my first trimester ultrasound. As you can see, my baby is a peanut :) It's hard to believe a peanut could wreak so much havoc on my body but it has! Maybe this is a sign it's a girl??? I guess we will just have to wait and see... For now, though, I am VERY excited about fall and everything it has to bring!